What follows was initially compiled by Deborah Goffe on the Moodle page for her Examining and Reimagining Contemporary U.S. Arts Ecologies course at Hampshire College during the latter part of the S20 semester. It carries forward her practice of collecting news about the “state of the arts ecologies,” which has been shifting dynamically in relationship to global pandemic. So, this page collects news about the arts, this moment, and what their collision illuminates about the ways arts ecologies work. The hope is that they will serve as points of reference as we individually and collectively engage ideas of what comes next. Deborah will continue to update this page until she grows too exhausted to do so. If you come across resources you think should be added, do let her know. As pandemic gives way to global protests to dismantle white supremacy, news and media covering the relationship between arts ecologies and recent uprisings is also being aggregated on this page. read more